Sorry, but this lesson is still under construction. There is no target date for completion. It's an optional lesson, and is not connected to any grade for your class.


The beta tutorials in this site are not scheduled to be complete until 2015.  You may use use them in your classroom, but they are offered as is - with no technical support. Please visit the about page to learn about Learner Power. Please contact me If you have suggestions, would like more information, or would like to contribute to this project.


This learner Power Video Production cucrriculum is tightly aligned to national standards such as the SkiillsUSA Blueprint, ISTE NETS, NOCTI Television Production, and the Adobe Digital Video Curriculum. It is also aligned with Georgia's High School VBJ Pathway Curriculum and Gwinnett County's AKS for video production.


Copyright Pasha Souvorin 2013